Five Steps to Implement Azure ServiceBus Messaging in your Software Architecture

Photo by Eka Rizal Fikri on Unsplash

Azure service bus is the technology that we use in order to make applications (microservices) talk each other. In this post, I will show you the complete journey from creating a message in an application to consuming that message in another application.

First of all, let us suppose we have two apis:



We first need an azure account where we can create ServiceBus namesapce that we are going to use .

Under the created namespace, we do have topics and queues on the left sidebar menu. What are topics and queues? Well you can find a lot of resources in the internet on this topic. Here, I am trying to focus on practical implementations rather than theoretical information.

Now we have a service bus namespace that lies between our two apis. Or in another word our apis talks through this service bus. But how?


1.Configure connection: we need to establish connection to our service bus from both of our apis. In oder to do that we put a…

